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Insights: Translator Paani Kelson highlights key findings in this 1891 speech by Joseph Nāwahī

Awaiaulu Insights:

Translator Paani Kelson highlights key findings in this 1891 speech by acclaimed Hawaiian scholar, Joseph Nāwahī.


What is J. Nāwahī referring to? This speech was on August 10, 1882. At the end of the speech he is urging the crowd to elect a people like “the representative from North Kona.” Was Oct. 5 election day?  If it was, that is kind of a cool way to tie in a banquet commemorating the end of the 1881 lava flow with the upcoming election.

“Loved ones and friends, aloha. We have gathered here to commemorate the end of the lava flow, which caused us great worry and fright, thinking that it might flow into the heart of our fine small town. However, I am telling all of you, on the 5th of this coming October, there is another terrible lava flow which will cover our land from every corner, which is more evil and terrible than the lava flow we are remembering today. If that day comes, that will be the end of our nation. (Applauded.)